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Preguntas frecuentes


Preguntas mƔs frecuentes

  • ĀæDĆ³nde te encuentras?
    Estamos ubicados cerca de Pendleton Pike, cerca de Sunnyside Rd. Nuestra direcciĆ³n es 11605 PendletonPike IndianĆ”polis, IN 46236
  • Are my kids safe at Vidalife?
    It is a powerfully beautiful sight to step into the forest and see children playing. There are children climbing on stumps, dirt piles, or onto the low branches of the trees.The climbing, running, and zooming risks they seem to be taking are merely pseudo risks that will foster a greater respect for their own abilities and limitations. Children may begin their tenure here not being able to do the things mentioned above, but peer apprenticeship and adult encouragement quickly bolsters confidences and bodies are set in motion. Children do not generally take risks beyond which they feel comfortable, nor do they like to experience pain or fear. The teachers are watching the kids extremely carefully but not obviously. The student/teacher ratio is such that we are never more than a few feet away from an intrepid climber. Additional safety protocols: Low adult to child ratio of 1:6. Children wear matching bright Muddy Buddy rain suits in the woods and on trips to the creek. Children must stay in sight and sound of their teachers at all times. Teachers constantly count making sure all children are in view. Children are given clear physical boundaries. Children are not allowed to go to the bathroom without an adult and the door is always propped open. We only allow children to be picked up by designated friend and family members.
  • ĀæQuĆ© opciones estĆ”n disponibles?
    Tenemos opciones de tiempo completo y tiempo parcial disponibles de lunes a viernes. Complete el formulario de arriba para informarnos cuƔles son sus necesidades y nos comunicaremos con usted para ver quƩ opciones tenemos disponibles.
  • ĀæAceptas CCDF?
    Actualmente no aceptamos vales CCDF.
  • ĀæCĆ³mo son los tamaƱos de las clases?
    Mantenemos alta nuestra proporciĆ³n de personal por niƱo para poder brindar atenciĆ³n intencional a nuestros estudiantes. Nuestra clase infantil tiene de 4 a 6 niƱos por dĆ­a y nuestros niƱos de 2 a 4 aƱos tienen de 12 a 15 niƱos por dĆ­a.
  • ĀæCuales son tus horarios?
    Estamos abiertos de lunes a viernes de 7:30 a. m. a 5:30 p. m.


La inscripciĆ³n para el otoƱo de 2024 ya estĆ” abierta para niƱos de 2 a 4 aƱos


Para mĆ”s informaciĆ³n envĆ­anos un correo electrĆ³nico

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